Blog 1

Robbie Froehlich
3 min readJan 14, 2021

Why I’m taking this course is kind of a multitude of reasons that more or less stacked up from my freshman year of highschool until being sent home from GW because of the whole pandemic. From freshman to senior year of highschool I played football and everything in my life, other than my music, revolved around football. I’m 6’3 and 170lbs and have been since freshman year and could not gain weight enough to play football in college (I played center so if I couldn’t put on weight I’d get killed), but aside from the weight issue I was still becoming incredibly strong because of the intense routine I had. I went from no muscle to all muscle squatting 365 lbs my junior and senior year benching 200, and was one of the lightest and strongest people on my team. This whole long and convoluted story all ends with once my senior season ended I “took a break from working out” and wound up not going back to the gym until May and by then I was totally fallen off the wagon of working out. The worst part was once I finally got back to the gym I had no instruction because none of my coaches were around anymore to make my workouts for me. I continued my unstructured workouts until September of my freshman year of college (last year) and wound up hurting my back because I was frustrated I couldn’t squat 365 anymore and wanted to give it a shot one day out of the blue. I’m taking this course because I know that there are ways to learn about how to create a workout routine that works for me while not frustrating or depressing me that I can’t lift as much as I used to(that has been a struggle since I took my “break”) and that I can work back up to it, because at the moment my workout routine only consists of running a few miles a day.

Fitness means everything to me because I am terrified of getting into my 40’s and having issues that are caused by not being active in my young adult life. I don’t want to end up having issues that I regret for the rest of my life so I am doing everything in my power to avoid that.

I really hope that over the next 3 months I become more comfortable with different types of workouts that I maybe haven’t done before or that I haven’t given a chance because of the strictness of my fitness plans in the past. My old workout was legs 3 days a week (front squat, back squat, deadlift) and bench 1 day a week, and then alt days like shoulders. I’m also just looking to find some motivation to become much more in shape like I used to be.

My personal fitness goals are kind of all over the place. I’d like to be able to run 12 miles without stopping at a 10 minute pace by the summer. I’d like to be able to increase the max amount of pull ups I can do (currently 5), and generally become more comfortable with different types of work outs. I don’t have a squat rack or a bench rack at my apartment so I have only dumbbells to work with for the moment so I’m not sure what my goals include with that being the only equipment I have at my disposal.

